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Freemasons in New Jersey are certainly aware of how important their fellowship is. For many years, the masonic order has been an important beacon of brotherhood, carrying with it a commitment to craft and care that the original masons founded. J. Jenkins Sons certainly understands this as well which is why we’ve become known for making custom designed, hand-crafted mega Masonic rings that will fit the standards of any New Jersey masons. Just as your craft is your passion, so too is ours.
Since 1787, the Grand Lodge of New Jersey Free & Accepted Masons has stood as New Jersey’s governing body of New Jersey Masonic Lodges. New Jersey has a long history of freemasonry as well. As early as 1730, New Jersey was one of the initial states to become active with Freemasonry. Because of New Jersey’s tight-knit relationship with masonry, we believe it’s important to offer the masons of New Jersey the highest quality custom mega Masonic rings to show off their pride, history, and dedication.
With J. Jenkins Sons, we take our craft seriously—and value your opinions and design decisions. That’s why we’ve created our own line of Mega Masonic Rings that can be crafted to your specific tastes. Choose an engraving, a variety of different metal options, and whatever Masonic top seal is suitable for you. Pick what stone you’d like and design away to your heart’s content.
If you don’t find exactly what you’re looking for in either of our collections, J. Jenkins Sons always offers the opportunity to create a completely customized Masonic Ring. Our experts will guide you through the process to help you create your ideal custom Masonic Ring.
At J. Jenkins Sons, we value the Masonic orders around the country. Just like Freemasons, we deeply care about the quality of work we’re doing. Work with our experts to come up with a ring fit for you. Contact J. Jenkins Sons today to work with New Jersey’s best option for mega Masonic rings.