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While most people assume the United States military was always on a draft system, the draft didn’t actually start until 1940. During the beginning World War II before the United States ender the fight, President Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted to ensure the National defenses were at their peak. But with military enrollment dwindling, the Selective Service and Training Act was signed into action on September 6, 1940. This act required male citizens between the ages of 26 and 35 to register for the draft. This system served out its purposes and was abolished in 1973 in the wake of the Vietnam War. From that point on, the United States military in all states was strictly volunteer only. Today, one of the most vital parts of every military branch is the recruiter. Military recruiters play a large role in keeping the military full of eager young men and women who will fight to preserve our freedom and liberty. While many of these military recruiters go on without recognition, J. Jenkins Sons knows the vital role you play in keeping the Nation safe from foreign and domestic threats. Why not let everyone else see your devotion with a custom military recruiter ring?
Military recruiters work hard to protect the Nation and to help guide the young men and women of California toward a successful career in the military. As a military recruiter in California, you have the chance to impact the lives of every young person you meet. So why not show off your love for the military with a special California recruiter ring? These rings have been perfectly designed to reflect your personal style and service. Every military recruiter ring is customizable with your military branch, metal choice, stone, and other customizations to show off your service. Let us help you show off your military pride with our signature Army and Marine Corp recruiter rings! Need another branch? Contact J. Jenkins Sons for a custom ring made just for you!
With J. Jenkins Sons, you always have the option of designing your own quality custom military recognition or military recruiter ring. We want you to walk away with a military ring that you can wear with absolute pride.
Your incredible service to our country deserves a quality ring to showcase it. Contact J. Jenkins Sons today to work with California’s best option for military recruiter rings.